Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Dog tired

The title says it all.

Dog tired. Worse than a dog, I feel like two dogs.

Now that I've just returned from a food review and finished my articles.

The day started off with our dear Jubilee rolling off the bed. I spent all morning wondering if she'll become retarded. Or lapse into a coma. Or have some form of delayed paralysis.

And this is just immediately after she's recovered from 5 days worth of diarrhoea.

I don't know who suffered more. Me or Jubi.

I cleared more than enough poop to last me through ten lifetimes, worried till a pimple popped out of my chin and what did our Dearest do?

She merely laughed and giggled everytime I wiped her ass. What a sweet baby.

This wasnt the type of life I had envisioned when I stepped into the working world. I imagined jet-setting round the world, with a notepad and a pen in hand, scribbling down poetry, shmoozing with strangers, going to bed in a sheer, sexy nightie.

Not this now.

Jet-setting to East Point/ Tampines Mall with baby in a sling, poopy diaper and snot-filled hankies in hand, making a fool of myself by singing "itsy witsy spider", running after the babbling one in a t-shirt streaked with regurgitated milk.

Not what I had envisioned.

But look at the following pictures and tell me if I should regret. (Pls ignore the mozzie bite on her cheek)

She looks cute even when she's bawling :)